Pakistan, Afghanistan border forces agree to temporary ceasefire at key border crossing
WNAM MONITORING: Pakistan and Afghanistan border forces on Sunday agreed to a two-day ceasefire at a key border crossing after...
WNAM MONITORING: Pakistan and Afghanistan border forces on Sunday agreed to a two-day ceasefire at a key border crossing after...
ISLAMABAD ( WNAM REPORT ): Allama Iqbal Open University (AIOU) will host the 14th Biennial Conference of the Comparative Education...
JEDDAH ( WNAM REPORT):Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Senator Mohammad Ishaq Dar Saturday held a bilateral meeting with Advisor...
JEDDAH ( WNAM MONITORING): :Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Senator Mohammad Ishaq Dar held a meeting with Egyptian Minister...
WNAM REPORT: Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif on Saturday reaffirming his commitment to gender equality said women’s empowerment could only be...
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