Turkistan region to create cotton-textile cluster with investment of over KZT200bn
WNAM REPORT: The meeting on Monday focused on the implementation of the investment project aimed at creating a cotton-textile cluster...
WNAM REPORT: The meeting on Monday focused on the implementation of the investment project aimed at creating a cotton-textile cluster...
WNAM MONITORING: New data from the National Statistics Bureau of Kazakhstan reveals a steady rise in income and consumer spending...
ISLAMABAD ( WNAM REPORT ): Ambassador of Kazakhstan to Pakistan, Yerzhan Kistafin, extended warm felicitations to the nation on the...
ASTANA (WNAM MONITORING):Kazakhstan has unveiled an eco-yurt promoting art, technology and environment protection under the environmental campaign Taza Qazaqstan within...
WNAM REPORT: Kazakh State Counselor Erlan Karin held yesterday a meeting of the Anti-Corruption Commission under the President. During the...
WNAM REPORT: During the inaugural meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, concrete steps to expand...
ASTANA ( WNAM MONITORING): Kazakhstan is marking Nauryz with the ten-day Nauryznama celebrations which began on March 14. As part...
WNAM REPORT: Ambassador of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the United Mexican States, Almurat Turganbekov, presented credentials to the President...
ASTANA ( WNAM MONITORING ): Kazakhstan exported 16.1 million tons of agricultural products worth $5.1 billion in 2024, a 3.9...
WNAM REPORT: The Head of State decreed to convene the regular session of the People’s Assembly of Kazakhstan. The XXXIV...
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