Azerbaijani President emphasizes importance of expanding Baku-Beijing partnership at Davos
WNAM REPORT: President Ilham Aliyev of Azerbaijan has been on an official visit to the Davos 2025 World Economic Forum...
WNAM REPORT: President Ilham Aliyev of Azerbaijan has been on an official visit to the Davos 2025 World Economic Forum...
Baku: First youth-led International Aerospace and Digital Innovations Forum (IAEDIF’25) was held at the Space Academy of Azercosmos. National Anthem...
WNAM REPORT: The Russian cultural organization "Russian House" has announced measures to suspend its activities in Azerbaijan, following a request...
WNAM REPORT: President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has sent a congratulatory letter to President of the Islamic...
WNAM MONITORING; A new transport route connecting the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic with other territories of Azerbaijan is expected to greatly...
WNAM REPORT: Turkiye’s President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has approved the "Agreement on Cooperation in the Field of Migration between the...
WNAM MONITORING: Representatives of the Azerbaijan Naval Forces participate in the AMAN-25 multinational exercise and the Aman Dialogue in Karachi,...
WNAM REPORT: In Istanbul, discussions took place regarding the Green Energy Corridor project involving Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkiye, and Bulgaria. The...
WNAM REPORT: Iran's position towards Azerbaijan has always been volatile, with ups and downs. Such fluctuations typically occur after the...
WNAM MONITORING: One of the most successful projects implemented by Azerishig OJSC in recent years is the promotion of environmentally...
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