Pakistan Navy maintains continuous monitoring of maritime situation in the Arabian Sea
Islamabad: Pakistan Navy is ensuring permanent presence in the Arabian Sea to keep our and international Sea Lines of Communications...
Islamabad: Pakistan Navy is ensuring permanent presence in the Arabian Sea to keep our and international Sea Lines of Communications...
WNAM Report: H.E. Mehmet Pacaci, Ambassador of Turkiye to Pakistan said that Moulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar had led the Khilafat...
Karachi: Sea phase of International Exercise Barracuda-XII was held on Thursday at North Arabian Sea. Chief Minister Sindh Maqbool Baqar...
WNAM Report: The privatisation of Heavy Electrical Complex (HEC) was concluded on Tuesday with the handing over of the share...
WNAM Report: An Induction and Operationalization Ceremony was held at an operational base of Pakistan Air Force on Tuesday. General...
WNAM Monitoring: International Exercise BARRACUDA-XII formally commences at Headquarters Pakistan Maritime Security Agency (PMSA), Karachi. The event started with an...
WNAM REPORT: A delegation of Chinese Companies and Investors called on the Caretaker Federal Minister for Privatisation, Fawad Hasan Fawad...
WNAM Report: Oceans play a vital role in providing sustenance, livelihoods, regulating climate patterns and nurturing unparalleled biodiversity. As a...
Rawalpindi: The security forces conducted an intelligence based operation in general area Mashkai, Awaran District, on reported presence of terrorists. During...
Karachi: Course Commissioning Parade of 120th Midshipmen and 28th Short Service Commission (SSC) was held at Pakistan Naval Academy (PNA),...
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