Today suicide attacks are carried out by suicide bombers who wrap up their bodies with blasting material but in the distant past they used daggers soaked in deadly poison to kill people.
It is said that 1000 years ago three intelligent boys studying in an educational institution some where in Mesopotamia entered into a written agreement that should any one of them reached a big position in life first of all , he will be bound to share his office and wealth with the other two.
After a few years one of them progressed to become Prime Minister of Saljuti King Sultan Alap Arsalan. He is known as Nizam ul mulk Tusi in history books. The second friend Umar Khayyam became popular as s chemist. The third friend Hasan Bin Sabah also became notorious but his notoriety was a bit different Hasan Bin Sabah one day met Tusi and reminded him of their written agreement of their student days. Tusi introduced him with the Sultan who employed him as a courtier in his court. Hasan Bin Sabah soon made his mark there with his intelligence. But not content with his assignment as a Courtier he started dreaming to become Prime Minister. He realized that as long as Tusi was Prime Minister his dream cannot be fulfilled so he started conspiring against him in order to let him down in the eyes of Sultan.
When Sultan got the inkling of his hidden designs he got rid of him after which he went on a voyage of the world. He in the meantime had also embraced Ismaeli sect. It so happened that he was on board a ship sailing from Egypt to Syria when it developed a defect and was about to sink. He told the passengers of the ship that he had premonition that the ship won’t sink. He was opportunist of the first order. He knew that if the ship sank no body will be alive to reveal his premonition and if it survived the other people will be impressed by his prognosis and will start believing in his spiritual power.
After reaching Syria he started propagating Ismaeli faith and in a little time he converted a big number of people to Ismaeli faith. Very soon due to his cunning policy he managed to get control a scenic place in Iraq known as qila ul moat where he set up his headquarters. He became known as Sheikh of mountains. His disciples were known as fidayeens and they were so loyal to him that they never hesitated giving even their lives on his orders.
He used to mix cannabis in the food of his fidayeens and when they were under its spell he used to make them have a round of the valley where he had made canals of flowing milk and honey and where young beautiful girls also roamed whom he used to call as houris. He used to tell fidayeens that this was a glimpse of heaven where they will live for ever if they carried out his orders and in doing so were killed. He used to give them daggers soaked in poison to kill his adversaries saying that if they carried out his orders they will go straight away to heavens. He had mesmerized his fidayeens to the extent that they never questioned his orders.
History books tell us that when Mongol leader Halagu Khan invaded Iraq and he was told about Hasan Bin Sabah’s activities he ransacked his artificial heavens and thus Iraqis got rid of this evil.