Had the lunatic fringe not carried out propaganda against Ayub Khan’s family planning project and had allowed to run its full course the skyrocketing increase in this country’s population would have been controlled by now to a great extent If the population of the country was allowed to grow
at the present rate it will have disastrous consequence for the economy of the country.
Unless the interior ministry imposes a ban on the issuance of any arms licence of prohibited bore weapons and recover weapons like Kalashnikov from private hands through an effective legislation and clean up operation mass killings in various types of disputes in the country simply cannot be controlled. Weapons like kalishinkov should be in the hands of personnel of armed forces, police and para military forces only and not with every Tom ,Dick and Harry as is the case today.
If any person wants to keep a weapon with him for self defence the district magistrates can issue him an arms licence but only for non prohibitive bore weapon after due verification himself that he is really involved in blood feud.