WNAM REPORT: A 4th-year student of the Makhtumkuli Turkmen State University, H.Myratgeldiyeva, completed a short-term internship in Japan in the field of “Rule of Law” within the framework of the Mutual Understanding, Intellectual and Academic Exchange (MIRAI) Program.
The purpose of this program was to introduce the participants to Japan’s legal and educational systems, culture, art, and historical sites. Classes were held with the participation of highly educated specialists in this field.
The short-term course was also attended by law students, postgraduates and legal specialists from countries such as Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia and Georgia.
During the course, classes were organized on the following topics: “Japan’s Foreign Policy towards the Countries of Central Asia and Transcaucasia”, “The Rule of Law in the International Community”, “Overview of the Administrative Judicial System of Japan”, “Legal and Judicial System and Legal Education in Japan”, “Achieving Legal Identity through Legal Cooperation”, as reported on the website of the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan.