In tribal administration the political agent who avoids high butcher’s bill in maintaining law and order and uses parleys instead of force for solving administrative issues that may arise from time to time as every tribesman is armed to the teeth is liked by the Governor KPK as once blood is spilled in case force is used it often generates a chain reaction of more issues.
The age old administrative system based on the concept of collective tribal territorial responsibility which now stands discarded in the KPK with the merger of FATA with it provided an excellent modus operandi to the political administration to get administrative issues resolved without firing a bullet through tête-à-tête
It was not a wise step to do away with that system of governance without any cogent rhyme and reason as it has caused more harm than good to the law and order of the tribal belt. The police has failed to deliver. Those who had masterminded the merger must be regretting the day they executed it. It is about time the merger was revisited.