It is not going to be a bed of roses for the new government whether it is in Islamabad or in the provinces.The leaders of the winning political parties have been making high falutin promises with the electorate as to what they are going to do for them when they are in the saddle. They have led the common man up the garden path too far and committed with them about carrying out gigantic welfare projects for them without thinking where the money needed for their implementation would come from, as money doesn’t grow on trees and country is already in the red.
It is a pity that no political party has, as yet , released its road map also pinpointing the malaise that afflicts various areas of the country and nobody has even given even a passing reference of them and reduced in black and white its list of priorities indicating the time frame during which they will be solved. Most of the press statements issued by our political bigwigs are of generalized type in which instead of talking sense they have beaten about the bush without being specific on the procedure they are going to adopt to make the country find its feet as far as its economy is concerned soon.
Isn’t it time that agriculture reforms were carried out leaving only 150 acres irrigated and 1000 acre unirrigated land per person and the rest of the land is nationalised and distributed among the landless peasants?
The man in the street will be happy if the powers that be put an end to the VVIP culture, if those living in corridors of power start living like him .
There is a crying need for carrying out election reforms by discouraging dynastic politics in intra party elections and encouraging all and sundry within a political party to come to the top in their hierarchy.