An article by the Chairperson of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tanzila Narbayeva, on the attention paid to women, their role in the life of Uzbekistan, and the protection of their rights has been published in one of the popular newspapers of Kazakhstan – “Man and the Law”.
The article mentions outstanding Uzbek women who have enormously contributed to developing culture, science, and society. It was emphasized that in recent years, strengthening the family, ensuring the legitimate rights and interests of women, who make up almost half of the country’s population, increasing their role and status in society, realizing abilities and talents, and achieving gender equality have been identified as priorities in Uzbekistan’s national policy. And they are being consistently implemented.
A legal and material base has been created to support women in all spheres. In particular, several international documents have been ratified, and the foundations of national legislation have been improved. More than 30 normative legal documents have been developed aimed at strengthening the protection of women’s rights, improving living conditions, creating broad opportunities for education and unlocking potential. 4 laws, about 10 decrees and resolutions of the President of Uzbekistan, and 14 resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers have been adopted.
“Today, the criterion enters our life: “Giving knowledge to women means making society literate, enlightened, and virtuous”. All conditions have been created for women and girls wanting to acquire knowledge and professions and engage in science. They have been allocated separate quotas, the payment of the training contract is carried out at the expense of the state budget, and preferential loans are provided. Such care has strengthened the girls’ desire to gain knowledge and take a worthy place in society.
598 thousand girls and women (49.8%) are among the students of higher education institutions. Compared to 2017, this figure has increased by 12 percent”, the author writes.
Special attention is paid to the initiatives of the Dialogue of Women Leaders of Central Asian Countries, the Summit of Women Speakers of Parliaments of the Member States of the Interparliamentary Union, the Women’s Forum of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, which identify essential measures for women’s participation in public administration, preventive diplomacy, environmental protection, entrepreneurship, culture, education, science, art – in general, in sustainable development.
The article notes that, according to the Interparliamentary Union, Uzbekistan ranks 45th among 180 member states on these indicators.
Uzbekistan’s place in the World Bank’s Women, Business and the Law Index has improved. Uzbekistan is among the 27 states that have implemented essential reforms in women’s rights and gender equality.