The Punjab Chief Minister deserves hosannas for deciding that all the Chinese working in this country are to be provided VVIP security under the security national plan.
There is no gainsaying the fact that the future of Pakistan’s economy is inextricably linked with the gigantic CPEC programme being masterminded and executed by the Chinese in Pakistan.
Sino-Pak friendship is a sore in the eyes of both Washington and New Delhi. Both these countries want to terrorise Chinese engineers working in this country on various developmental projects so that they are scared away.
An economically strong Pakistan is the last thing India wants to see. The Americans simply don’t want to see China gaining political and commercial foothold in this region, including Pakistan. It had thought that by dismantling Soviet empire it had now become undisputed king of the unipolar world Little did it know that a much stronger communist country than the Soviet union was emerging on the world horizon.
Today the communists are much stronger than they ever was and it is because of the unified stand which Beijing and Moscow have been taking on international issues. The Russians under the leadership of Putin and the present Chinese leaders have realised that the Americans can be met squarely in the face only if they sink their political differences and put up a united front against it.
As far as Pakistan is concerned it lies in our national interest that we cement our ties with Beijing and try to remain on the right side of Moscow too as by remaining cordial with these two superpowers we stand to gain in all fields of life. Needless to add that both these countries lie in our neighborhood and while one can change friends but not neighbours.