Children have been, lately, becoming dependent on the use of eye glasses even during teen age or much before it due to their failing eye sight.
Most of them are obese and diabetic, to boot, thanks to the consumption of junk food which is being promoted through massive advertising campaign by their producers thus attracting the youth of the country to its use, parents are also not mindful of its hazards to health. They are also not discouraging the use of fizzy drinks by their children. As if all this wasn’t enough the youth of the country has become mobile and computer addict to the extent that they have forgotten play grounds and prefer fiddling with their mobile, sets day in and day out instead which is affecting their eyes also.
What is more worrisome is the use of ice powder in smoking by the youth and this evil has been spreading like a wildfire in the educational institutions too in which the narcotic dealers have managed to penetrate through their canteens and tuck shops.
Heroin used to be once the favourite drug of the narcotic addicts now it has been replaced by ice powder. This drug has been eating into the vitals of brain of the youth of the country.
It is a pity that there is no ban on smoking inside buses trains offices both governmental and private and in the public parks.