PARIS ( WNAM MONITORING) :President of France Emmanuel Macron declared the 33rd Summer Olympic Games opened, TASS reports from the scene.
The Olympic Games in Paris will end on August 11, 2024.
PARIS ( WNAM MONITORING) :President of France Emmanuel Macron declared the 33rd Summer Olympic Games opened, TASS reports from the scene.
The Olympic Games in Paris will end on August 11, 2024.
WNAM MONITORING: French President Emmanuel Macron said Thursday that he will tell his US counterpart Donald Trump not to show...
WNAM MONITORIN: A French government spokesman warned Thursday that the “US has everything to lose by entering into a trade...
WNAM MONITORING: Europe must no longer depend on the US for its security, the spokesperson of the French government said...
PARIS ( WNAM MONITORING): President Emmanuel Macron has announced that France and Saudi Arabia will co-chair a conference in June...
LONDON : The foreign ministers of France, the UK and Germany in a joint appeal called on Israel to immediately...
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