WNAM REPORT: The 13th International Music Festival “Sharq Taronalari” will be held in the ancient and unique Samarkand from August 25 to 30 under the auspices of UNESCO.
To date, preparations for this festival are in full swing. Organizational work continues at an active pace.
A meeting was held under the leadership of the Deputy Minister of Culture of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Murodjon Majidov, devoted to the issues of meeting foreign and local guests invited to the festival and other organizational matters. The event was attended by responsible persons of the Ministry of Culture, Acting Vice-Rector of the Uzbek National Institute of Musical Arts named after Yunus Rajabi Eldor Shermanov, Director General of the Center for Uzbek National Art of Maqom Avazbek Shomurodov.

A group of volunteers, who play a crucial role in the success of the festival, was formed and a meeting was held with them to create conveniences and ample opportunities for foreign guests arriving in the country.The officials also inspected the venue of the international scientific and practical conference “Musical Culture of the Peoples of the East: Principles of Creative Adaptation in the Process of Globalization”, which will be held on August 27-28.