Done in post haste the merger of FATA with the KPK has blown up in the face of KPK government. It seems that proper homework wasn’t done before taking this decision. Had all the former political agents who had worked in FATA and who had got load of experience of dealing with tribesmen been thoroughly grilled as to the pros and cons of this merger before hand the KPK government would not have suffered the embarrassment it has faced over the failure of the merger to strike roots in the tribal territory. The tribesmen in their heart of hearts have never liked the police and judicial system in vogue in the revenue districts. They consider their own jirga system for solving their civil and criminal cases far efficient under which they are decided in double quick time. They abhor inordinate delays in the decision of criminal and civil cases prevalent in the revenue districts and cannot afford the prohibitive fee charged by the defence counsels in the revenue districts.
And last but not least had the framers of the mergers draft taken trouble of comparing the figures of crime rate of the tribal agencies with the crime rate figures of adjoining revenue districts of seven tribal agencies that formed FATA they would have come to the conclusion that due to operation of concept of collective tribal and geographical responsibility of the tribes living off FATA the crime rate inside FATA was but a fraction of crime rate statistics of revenue districts , a fact which was not projected far and wide.
New Tenant of White House
By the time this column sees the light of the day, Trump would have become the new tenant of White...