If the persons manning parliament are men of impeccable financial integrity and enjoy a good reputation and live like the common man of the country there is no harm in vesting them with powers to select judges of the apex courts of the country but if their credentials leave much to be desired than it will be a mockery of justice if the task of selecting judges is handed over to them. The question which strikes the mind here is from where should we bring men who are above board, whose over all character is beyond any shadow of doubt who are men of financial and moral rectitude? who cannot be faulted for any sin of omission and commission.
The answers to these questions undoubtedly are difficult to make but Iran, our next door neighbour and many European countries have found answers to these questions and we can take a leaf out of their books on the subject. A start will have to be made right now to send the best of the best people of the society to parliament whose character is above board and no finger could be raised on their moral and financial integrity.
Isn’t it a fact that right at this point in time most of the persons who man our assemblies are certainly not the best persons of the society. They have entered into the corridors of power either on the sheer strength of their pelf or at the bidding of various business mafias who have spread their tentacles to almost every department of the government. How could they be expected to bring to carry out legislation that is poor friendly ?