WNAM REPORT: The 79th foundation day of the UN was observed the other day. This international forum which completed its 79th year of existence carries a mixed bag of failure and success. Today it comprises as many as 192 member countries of the world. It won’t be out of place to take a stock of its performance on its Foundation Day.Formed in 1945 it after the immense devastation caused by the second world war its basic objective was to ensure peace and tranquility in the globe.It is a pity that as many as 250 wars have taken place in various parts of the world since its inception.
Political observers believe that if Middle East crises, Kashmir issue were not solved and American interference in Taiwan was not checkmated third world war can touch off any time. Side by side of its failure to rein in some big powers the UN must be credited for controlling small wars in many African countries through its military missions comprising army officers of its member countries .
No military solution to escalating Congo crisis, Pakistan tells UNSC, urges dialogue revival
WNAM REPORT: There is no military solution to the conflict in Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and the focus must...