WNAM MONITORING: The official opening ceremony of the Human Rights House will take place on December 3 at the National Center of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Human Rights. President Shavkat Mirziyoyev initiated its creation.
The Human Rights House is intended to become a specialized platform for supporting and strengthening human rights activities and enlightening the country on human rights. Here, among other things, a modern library of international and national human rights documents, scientific research, commentaries, and analytical reports will be formed.

The opening ceremony is organized by the National Center of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Human Rights jointly with the Agency for Information and Mass Communications under the Administration of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the National Library of Uzbekistan named after Alisher Navoi. The event coincides with two significant dates: December 8 – Constitution Day of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and December 10 – International Human Rights Day. It will be attended by about 100 guests, including representatives of international and regional organizations whose activities are related to the protection of human rights and the promotion of legal norms, heads of diplomatic missions accredited in Uzbekistan, specialists from government agencies, leading experts, scientists, and public figures, as well as media workers.
In addition, specialists from library and resource centers in all regions of Uzbekistan can follow the opening ceremony of the Human Rights House online, the National Center for Human Rights of the Republic of Uzbekistan reports.