There is no gainsaying the fact that selection procedure of personnel in the lower cadre of police needs much to be desired. More often than not the local MPAs or politicians belonging to the ruling party meddle in their recruitment procedure by putting political pressure on IG police to recruit their blue eyed boys with the result that deserving persons often don’t get appointed. Small wonder the police force has been failing to deliver in times of crises. It has been failing to tame dacoits and other criminals. The district magistrates have to requisition Frontier corps and constabulary time and again to help assist the district police in maintaining law and order in their bailiwicks. What good is police if it cannot perform its basic duty to keep criminals at bay .
It is about time that the same pattern of recruitment in the selection of personnel in their lower cadre of police be adopted which is operative in the armed forces. Needless to say the lower cadre of police is the backbone of policing system and if it isn’t working then the entire policing system is in danger of collapse.