WNAM REPORT: Fears are being expressed in the political circles of the country that, God forbid ,a catastrophe might hit the economy of the country if any political party losing the forthcoming elections refused to accept their result on the plea that gerrymandering has taken place in them.
Survival of this country lies in the early installation of an elected government after holding of impartial and free elections, the earlier it is installed the better it is. Any delay in the matter is suicidal for the country. A great deal is going to depend on all the stake holders like political parties contesting the polls, Election Commission and state machinery physically implementing rules and regulations of the election procedure.
The political parties must field those candidates whose track record as politician has been spotless and who enjoy good reputation It will be the bounden duty of returning officers to scrutinize the nomination papers of all the candidates without any fret and fear and they should not hesitate rejecting the nomination papers of those candidates who do not full fill the legal requirements for contesting the polls. In short it would be the team work of all the stake holders named above to work in unison so that the country comes out of the crisis. It won’t be a bad idea if the United Nations is requested to send a high powered mission for monitoring these elections from a close angle in order to obviate possibility of any gerrymandering.
Let us hope that the civil bureaucracy which will be conducting these elections would rise to the occasion and would manage them in the way it had managed 1970 elections which had brought a good name to it then as political observers say that 1970 elections were the fairest elections conducted in the history of elections in this country
The speed with which some leading members of major political parties of the country have been changing their political loyalties ,lately, wax fickleness of the peculiar brand of parliamentary democracy in the country in which opportunism is the order of the day.
If dynastic politics has broken the hearts of many politicians in every political party worth its salt in the country forcing them to say good bye to their old parties wrangling among many for getting nomination to contest from the political constituency of their choice is also one of the cause