The Americans have, through their conduct, earned a reputation of talking tongue in cheek. Whatever they say should be, therefore, taken with a pinch of salt. They are, lately, praising Pakistan for its efforts in getting a notorious terrorist arrested in Afghanistan who had been instrumental in carrying out many acts of terrorism in Kabul. But isn’t it a fact that right from 1947 up till quite recently Pakistan has been playing second fiddle to the US in many international issues and had in the process incurred the wrath and ire of the once formidable Soviet union, What did it get in return? Nothing. Had the Americans stood by us in the 1971 Indo Pak war, Pakistan would not have been rent asunder into two.
Many insiders fear that the Americans might be wooing Pakistan once again as it occupies an important strategic geographic position in this part of the globe in order to play their new political game against China as they want to dismember it in the same manner in which they had rent asunder the nighty Soviet union ,therefore , Pakistan should be on guard and should not be taken in by the new gesture of friendship of Washington.
Those moving in the corridors of power should make it clear on the Americans in unambiguous terms that while we will cherish friendly bilateral ties with Washington we would never allow our soil to be used by it in any political or military activity against any country in this region. ( This article reflects author’s opinion and not necessarily the views of WNAM )