WNAM REPORT: The Uzeltechsanoat Association reports that leading enterprises of Uzbekistan’s electrical sector are participating in the ISH 2025 – International Sanitary and Heating Exhibition in Frankfurt, Germany.
This major event is among the most prestigious electrical engineering, energy, and industrial technology exhibitions.
“As part of the exhibition, Uzbekistan companies such as ICG, SharqTubes, Artikul Aziya Kabel, Technopark, Angren Pipe Plant, and Artel are showcasing their products. Uzbekistan’s electrical industry representatives are also engaged in negotiations with major international companies. The ISH 2025 exhibition is expected to yield significant results, including signing new export agreements, expanding international cooperation ties, and attracting investors. It is worth noting that participating companies from our country will have the opportunity to adopt advanced technologies and innovations”, said Namoz Tolipov, head of the Information Service of the Uzeltechsanoat Association.