WNAM REPORT: The India Study Centre (ISC) at the Institute of Strategic Studies Islamabad (ISSI) organized a Seminar on ‘Understanding Fundamentals of India’s Contemporary Strategic Culture’ with the objective to comprehend fundamentals of contemporary strategic thought in India, and evaluate its impact on Pakistan. The keynote speaker for this seminar was Dr. Naeem Salik, Executive Director, SVI. The panel of expert speakers included AM Farooq Habib, Former Senior Director, CASS; Dr. Asma Shakir Khawaja, Executive Director, CISS AJK; and Ms. Anum A Khan, Associate Director, CISS Islamabad. The Seminar was moderated by Dr. Khurram Abbas, Director ISC at ISSI who posed key questions for the panel on New Delhi’s regional and global views and analysis of its strategic culture.
DG ISSI Ambassador Sohail Mahmood, in his welcome remarks, stated that strategic culture refers to the shared beliefs, norms, values, and historical experiences of a nation’s strategic community. It acts as a lens for interpreting threats and making decisions. He emphasized academic, research and policy communities in Pakistan to enhance their overall analytical focus on India. Among other things, he stressed, it was essential to develop a critical mass of knowledge about India’s demography, economy, politics, social transformation, internal security, defence, foreign relations and so on. Equally important was to have a deeper understanding of the structural issues in India as well as their overarching frameworks in ideological, economic and foreign policy domains. He underscored that this would help in informed policy-making and countering India’s global misrepresentation of Pakistan. Regarding literature on Indian strategic culture, he noted that studies like George Tanham’s 1992 Rand report and Chinese scholar Sui Xinmin’s article in 2014 highlighted both the key salients of India’s strategic culture and the ongoing debate about the various strands. While Tanham had noted a ‘lack of strategic culture,’ Indian scholar Kanti Bajpai had noted the predominance of ‘Nehruvianism’ in the post-independence India, which was now being changed by neoliberal and hyper-realist perspectives. In the end, he focused on Modi era’s evolving perspectives that emphasize Hindutva ideology, military expansion, economic prowess, and major-power ambitions. He recommended that Pakistan must invest in knowledge production and collaboration among academics and think-tanks to better understand India’s international behaviour.
Keynote speaker Dr. Naeem Salik also stressed the need for deeper study for better understanding of Indian strategic culture. The term strategic culture, coined by Jack Snyder, refers to enduring beliefs and norms shaping security policies. He stated that while strategic culture evolves slowly, strategic policy adapts to international environments but remains influenced by cultural foundations. India’s strategic culture, rooted in Arthashastra and Mandala theory, emphasizes realpolitik, expansionism, and covert tactics. Historical figures like Chandragupta and Ashoka shaped India’s nationalist identity. Modern doctrines, from Nehruvian pacifism to Indira Gandhi’s Monroe-like South Asia dominance, reflect evolving strategies. The ‘Doval Doctrine’ and Modi’s diplomacy highlight assertiveness and autonomy. In the end, he ruled out the possibility of Pakistan-India diplomatic engagement as India’s contemporary strategic doctrine under Modi government avoids regional engagement.
AM Farooq Habib asserted that the Indian strategic culture, shaped by ancient texts like Arthashastra, emphasizes realpolitik, national security, and dominance in South Asia. He debated that while George Tanham argues about lack of cohesive India strategic culture, others trace its roots to historical traditions of strategic thinking. He emphasized that the key elements of Indian strategic culture include a desire for regional hegemony, dominance over the Indian Ocean as a vital area, the use of soft power such as yoga and Indian film industry, indigenization initiatives, cultural nationalism and Hindu hegemony. Growing confidence and assertiveness in international dealing has reduced the desire for passivity and strategic restraint. He concluded that this implies regional chaos and potential instability.
Dr. Asma Shakir Khawaja stated that strategic culture provides valuable perspectives of state’s behavior and policy choices. Indian strategic culture, shaped by Hindu Brahmin traditions, mythological texts, classical realism, and geography, emphasizes statecraft, military preparedness, complete destruction of the enemy, and regional supremacy. She rejected the famous notion that India had lacked a strategic culture, considering such claims a myth. She stated that Indian strategic culture is inherently defensive. The sacred books of Hinduism mainly glorify and legitimize war. India perceives threats from the north/northeast and considers it a disruptor of its envisioned Hindu-centric South Asia. She considers India as a state with revisionist tendency prioritizing dominance. She concluded that this culture rejects balance of power, viewing peace as a sign of weakness.
Ms. Anum A Khan articulated that India’s strategic culture, rooted in ancient texts like Arthashastra and Hindu epics, emphasizes strategic deceit (maya), Mandala system (neighbors as adversaries), Dharma Yudh (war as moral duty), and covert tactics like espionage. These principles justify hegemonic ambitions and deceptive strategies. India’s modern policies reflect this legacy, with strategic deceit underpinning nuclear ambitions, militarization of emerging technologies. India’s maritime power shifts deterrence from defense to coercion, while AI and cyber militarization widen asymmetries. She concluded that Pakistan, and the region at large, must recognize this cultural continuity that weaponizes tradition in the guise of modernity.
The presentations by the panelists were followed by a vibrant Q&A session. The Seminar concluded with brief remarks and vote of thanks by Chairman, Board of Governors ISSI, Ambassador Khalid Mahmood.