30 militants killed near Afghan border
WNAM MONITORING: Pakistan’s army on Tuesday have killed at least 30 militants in a security operation near the Afghanistan border....
WNAM MONITORING: Pakistan’s army on Tuesday have killed at least 30 militants in a security operation near the Afghanistan border....
WNAM MONITORING: Pakistan on Tuesday said bilateral cooperation with longtime ally China is “pivotal” for regional peace and stability. Pakistan’s...
Morocco ( WNAM REPORT): In Morocco, 4th Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety is being held in which 260 Ministers,...
ISLAMABAD ( WNAM REPORT): Mian Akram Farid, Chairman of the Employers Federation of Pakistan Central and Convener of the FPCCI...
ISLAMABAD ( WNAM REPORT): A delegation from Pakistan Japan Business Forum (PJBF) met the Federal Minister for Commerce, Mr. Jam...
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