The cleavage between the haves and the have-nots ,between the rich and the poor has been widening by the day in this country and if it wasn’t checkmated through immediate reforms in the economic system of the country, before long its elite will suffer a horrible fate at the hands of the teeming millions of this country who don’t know where their next meal is coming from The elite shouldn’t forget what the revolutionaries did with the Elite class in the French Revolution or what was the fate of the filthy rich in Russia and China in 1917 and 1949 respectively at the hands of have-nots.
Things aren’t much different from them in today’s Pakistan .If the elite of this country wants to escape the same treatment which was meted out to the rich classes of France, China and Russia by the revolutionaries there, it will have to adopt a sensible course like the one adopted by the England’s elite which managed to convert their country into a social welfare state after the second world war. when they saw the mass murder of the persons belonging to the monied class by the revolutionaries
The social welfare system of England found favour with Scandinavian countries as well as well with Canada thus saving them from the horror of possible bloody revolutions
In today’s Pakistan there is extreme poverty among a preponderant majority while a handful of filthy rich are living a highly luxurious life Monetary corruption is the order of the day in almost every walk of life.
With the advent of information technology and social media a great deal of political consciousness exists among the masses Many politicians in the past have been hoodwinking the masses with hollow slogans They are now finding it exceedingly difficult to lead them up the garden path and befool them any more with empty slogans.
It is hoped that the masses this time round in the forthcoming elections would vote for the persons with good credentials It would have been better if the European union had sent its monitoring team to oversee the polls If for paucity of funds for the purpose it cannot do so the government had better persuade the UN to monitor our polls as they are very vital for the solidarity of this country and no chances can be taken in the matter.