What a pity that almost all the state institutions in the country are in a state of disarray. Coordination with one another is a word unknown to them. They seem to fancy pulling one another’s legs down which is their favourite past time and which is unfortunate to say the least as this has made confusion worse confounded. Ayub Khan, while imposing martial law and introducing Basic Democracy System in the country back in late 1950s had once sardonically remarked that parliamentary democracy doesn’t suit the genius of our people. Aren’t the practitioners of parliamentary democracy in this country by their erratic behaviour proving Ayub Khan right ?
Many political observers believe that had Ayub Khan not turned members of BD system as electoral college for the election of the President of the country and limited their role only to developmental activity and held election of the President of the country on the basis of adult franchise ,the BD system might have proved a better alternative of present system in which only the filthy rich can make it to the corridors of power and which is marred by dynastic politics also in which there is no scope, whatever, of any other person making it to the assemblies except blue eyed boys of the party heads or their next of kin, no matter how much capable and honest he is if he not related to the head of the political party which he is a member of. Only the JI seems to be not suffering from the vice of dynastic politics. Now when elections are over, would the political leaders carry out electoral reforms including a provision to end dynastic politics. Can’t they adopt the system of election of various office holders inside their patties during intra party elections on the pattern of the one operative in the JI?
Would they carry out agricultural reforms limiting the private land holding per person to 150 acre irrigated and 1500 acre non irrigated barani land,? There is a need of revolutionary changes in every field of life.