Our educational system is in utter disarray. Its linchpin since long has been
rote system of learning and memorizing.
Our policy makers seem to be ignorant of the fact that for progression in any field cognitive, psychomotor and emotional intelligence are required.
In the West, over 90 percent output is achieved in every field of life whereas we often fail and our decision making is often faulty. It is therefore, very essential that we master knowledge , comprehension, analysis, application synthesis and evaluation KCAASE.
It goes to the credit of the BBC that now for almost half a century it has been broadcasting a program under the title just a minute in which various topics are given to its participants to deliver speech on them
for a minute taking care not to hesitate,deviate and repeat any word
during their speech.
The students who have been regularly listening practising this programme come out with flying colours in such tough entry tests and examinations like the ISSB.
It is a pity that our schooling system focusses on knowledge and comprehension and not on analysis, application and synthesis and evaluation. It is about time that we modelled syllabi our teaching system on the basis of KCAASE and CEP.