The common man in this country has taken exception to the recent resolution of the America’s House of Representatives about recent polls in Pakistan which was, at best a blatant interference in the internal affairs of this country and, at worst, it amounted to the pot calling the kettle black. It certainly didn’t lie in the mouth of the American house of representatives to pass such a resolution Had it looked into the history pages it would have dawned on it that Washington had toppled duly elected popular governments and supported rule by the jackboot in dozen countries of the world during the past one hundred years because it suited its political interests.
What it did in Vietnam is known to all and sundry Isn’t it looking the other way in Palestine and occupied valley of Kashmir where Tel Aviv and New Delhi have let loose a reign of terror against the hapless Palestinians and Kashmiris ?
Needless to say that if one were to analyse America’s foreign policy it will dawn on him that it is pockmarked with instances of double standards galore. We have treaded a pro American policy for a fairly long time which has done us more harm than good.