It has always been a favourite past time of Afghanistan to attack our diplomatic missions in Afghanistan and more than once this crime has been committed in the past when our flag was put to the torch in Kabul and Jalalabad but this time they have done so in Frankfurt. Will our rulers show a passive reaction to it true to their wont and let bygones be bygones.
Will they summon the necessary courage and press the Germans to make an example of the Afghan offenders by handing down a stern punishment under their law. Our foreign office can pressurize its counterpart in Kabul to hand over the culprits to us whenever they return home or in the alternative make the life of their next of kin living in Afghanistan difficult otherwise we will be right to presume that the Afghan rulers have an hidden hand behind this episode
The powers that be should at once withdraw all the transit trade facilities which we have been giving to Afghanistan so that it feels the pinch Pusillanimity should not be shown in this respect as it will further embolden the anti Pakistan element in Afghanistan