Both the religo- political outfits, namely the JI and the JUI(F) have been lately on the rampage against the powers that be. The JUI (F) which has been waiting in the wings has now also become quite active after it felt that the JI might steal the march on it as its agitation against the skyrocketing electricity bill was gaining currency among the masses and winning the hearts of the down trodden so the fear that it might be left behind in the political race it has charged its battery.
It seems that Hafiz Neem ur Rehman has infused new vigour in the JI after he took over the reins of this party which had become moribund under the leadership of its previous Ameer.
Fearing that any further inactivity on part of his party might sound its death knell, Maulana Fazlur Rehman has started lashing at the politicians in power in order to endear himself to the masses.