For quite a long time now the electorate of this country has been witnessing Maulana Fazlur Rehman always in every election attaining and then managing such a numerical strength for his political party in the election to the national assembly and provincial assemblies of KPK and Balochistan to boot which enables him to tilt the balance of power in favour of any major political party which is desirous to remain in the corridors of power.
The bigger parties consider his support as a sine quanon for ruling the roost. Small wonder therefore, to see both Zardari and the prime minister calling on him separately turn by turn alongwith their respective delegations during the past few days ostensibly to inquire about his health but deep down to keep him in good humour so that his party may help assist them in their political designs.
One doesn’t know what is up the sleeves of the Maulana but if past be any guide Maulana will side with only that party out of these two which gives him maximum benefits in different fields of life. He is a shrewd politician who keeps his political cards quite close to his chest as long as his objective is not achieved cent percent.