Time was when Rome used to be favourite past time of deposed kings or rulers, Dubai has now taken its place. The rulers with a poor financial track record prefer to go on a sojourn to Dubai where no questions are asked about the money which they take along with them to invest there.
Akther Mengal silently left for Dubai the other day after resigning his NA seat and giving a cold shoulder to many politicians who had requested him to reconsider his decision to resign.
Balochistan is, for all practical purposes, a tribal area like the FATA where tribal chieftains rule the roost in their tribes whether it is Bugti tribe,Mengal, Marri,or Jamali to mention a few. The chief of every tribe carries a big ego and he is irritable for local civil administration in every district of the province. They are necessary evil and it tries to remain on their right side by pampering them too much as heavily armed their tribes are they can put the administration into trouble by creating law and order situation for should they become hostile .
They are black mailers of the first order and exploit their position by lining their own pockets whenever money is made available to them for development of their area. It doesn’t lie in their mouth to complain of paucity of funds for the development of their area. Nobody has the guts and gumption to ask them that what did they do for the development of their area when they themselves were in the corridors of power.
Isn’t it a fact that in Quetta not once but many times tribal bigwigs of Bugti, Mengal, Marri etc. etc.had been in power. If they are so concerned about the welfare of their people why didn’t they do anything for them when they wielded powers which were in their hands then.