Day before yesterday yet another display of rowdyism was witnessed by us in the KPK assembly when some MPAs used fisticuffs against one another turning the House into a fish market thus once again proving Field Marshal Ayub Khan right that parliamentary democracy doesn’t suit the genius of our people. One wonders what type of message the so-called representatives of the people are giving to the youth of the country.
The people expect display of tolerance and respect from them for one another’s point of view . Needless to say one of the reasons for imposition of rule by the jackboot in the country back in 1958 was that deputy speaker of the then East Pakistan assembly was killed in a violent scuffle on the floor of the House among some of the MPAs after his skull was broken in the process. It is a pity that like the Bourbons our assembly members have learnt nothing and forgotten nothing. When the
political parties fail to nominate men of character for contesting polls of the assemblies , when the returning officers accept nomination papers of the contesting candidates without applying their mind diligently while scrutinizing their credentials written in to their nomination papers
and when the electorate fails to understand that they are being led up the garden path by the contesting candidates in their election manifestos the best of the best simply don’t get elected to the high assemblies The seriousness expected from the parliamentarians is sadly missing in them.
Need of Abundant Caution
Those who move in the corridors of power shouldn't be taken in by President Trump's words of praise for Pakistan...