In a parliamentary democracy the prime minister with two thirds majority and in a military dictatorship a military dictator who is answerable to none can change the destiny of country provided they launch revolutionary policies in different sectors of life because with a majority of legislators at their disposal and rule by the jackboot, they cannot be obstructed by the various mafias of the country. They can bridge the gap between the haves and haves nots what a pity that such opportunity was miffed by Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, Ayub Khan General Musharraf or for that matter Zia ul Haque and Mian Mohammad Nawaz sharif during their stint in power as they could have, had they wished bridged the gap between the poor and the rich by imposing agriculture tax on the filthy and bringing under heavy tax net those few business tycoons who run the economy of the country the manner in which they like it to be run and in the process mint billions of rupees whenever they move in the corridors of power.
Lala Ayub-The Doyen of Hockey
Whenever history of hockey in KPK will be written, the name of Lala Ayub will be written in golden letters....