The Uzbekistan Presidnt Shavkat Mirziyoyev showcased achievements of the past year and outlining priorities for the future consisting of green development through green technologies by maintaining a balance between development and environment which vividly reflects the Uzbek ancient wisdom of ecological love caring about nature, its resources and of course humanity.
The Uzbek President Mirziyoyev rightly termed 2024 a prosperous year in terms of biggest GDP percent (6.2) in the region, economic stability, sustainability, diversification, export oriented policies, attraction of record inflows of FDIs and last but not least social development eradicating poverty and generating new jobs increasing youth entrepreneurship and women empowerment securing, consolidating and further strengthening of vision of a New Uzbekistan gearing towards reality.
His highlighting of political maturity, diversity and electioneering through holding of the Oliy Majlis and local kengashes (councils), the launch of new meaningful projects, rising incomes and improving living standards, construction of new housing, successes at the Olympic and Paralympic Games and Uzbekistan’s growing international reputation clearly demonstrates success of his strategic vision of 2022-2026 transforming the state, society and the system in the right direction of greater progress, prosperity, sustainable development and harmonious society working jointly for Motherland.
It is a good omen that the Uzbek President declared 2025 as the Year of Environmental Protection and the Green Economy creating a sustainable balance between the economic system and the environment which is indeed a right step in the right direction.
Additionally, his emphasis on creating broader opportunities for businesses and promotion of private sector and property while actively attracting foreign investment is a holistic and comprehensive policy protecting the basic rights of local as well as international investors to make investment and start joint ventures. Thus it is a giant step toward Public People Partnership gearing the country towards further economic liberalization disseminating a message of economic diversification, self-reliance and productivity.
Outlining the future policies mainly in the social sphere through increasing wages, pensions and allowances shows his strategic vision of transforming the state towards a Social State.
Extended support for veterans, women and youth, along with improvements in social protection showing his respect and love towards elderly people and women.
On the other hand, strengthening the potential of Uzbek Armed Forces, supporting the servicemen and their families upholds Uzbek President’s multilayered policy of the state’s sovereignty and protection of territorial integrity.
To conclude, President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Shavkat Mirziyoyev’s annual address vividly reflects significant development in qualitative infrastructure, IT, private sector, business, and tourism showing deep diversification of his national economy and productive channels.
Moreover, building of new high-tech industrial complexes, infrastructure and logistics networks, as well as roads and railways, will definitely further underline socio-economic development inching towards qualitative life.
Increasing salaries, pensions, scholarships, and benefits, as well as advancing science, education, healthcare, culture, and sports confirming the Uzbek President’s vision of social state.
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