There are many who still don’t believe the reasons behind nine eleven episode propagated by the US and maintain that the story of that incident was cooked up by the Yankees to punish the countries they wanted to punish.
That’s why they have raised their eyebrows on the America’s version about the act of terrorism in New Orleans the other day which they ever should be taken with a pinch of salt .
Zia ul Haque was America’s man but when he started talking about Pan Islamism it grated on Washington which then decided to get rid of him before he gets too big for his boots so in order to kill him it didn’t mind getting its own ambassador in Pakistan also killed in the same plane which was carrying Zia so that nobody could suspect that the crash was its handiwork.
May be the New Orleans’ episode is also a drama staged by White House for preparing groundwork for imposing stiff immigration rules for the would be migrants to the US on the plea that they spread terrorism inside the US before long truth behind New Orleans tragedy would come to the fore.