The security forces deserve hosannas for recovering many kidnappees from the clutches of terrorists of BLA who had taken them into their custody after hijacking Bolan train in Balochistan the other day. BLA is headquartered in Afghanistan.
Our permanent envoy in the UN Munir Akram isn’t far wrong when he says that Afghanistan is a safe haven for as many as twenty terrorist organizations. In view of these hard facts when will our interior and foreign ministries wake up from deep slumber and make entry of Afghan nationals in Pakistan difficult by imposing a strict visa regimen like the one enforced by Britain or US on foreign nationals.
Likewise, isn’t it proper time when through an effective diplomatic offensive in the UN other countries be persuaded to press the UN to impose economic sanctions of different types on Kabul till it hands over the office bearers of various terrorist organizations operative in Afghanistan to the countries where they are needed for their trial in acts of terrorism. Unless that is done it would be difficult to break the backbone of terrorist organizations.
Those arrested in Bolan train hijacking should be hanged by the lamppost so that correct signal goes to the would be terrorists that their fate too won’t be much different from them if they indulged in terrorist activities.