ASTANA (WNAM MONITORING):Kazakhstan has unveiled an eco-yurt promoting art, technology and environment protection under the environmental campaign Taza Qazaqstan within the EXPO location, as Nauryz celebrations are underway in capital Astana.
The press service of Astana’s administration office said that AI-created paintings showcasing how Kazakhstan could look like in 2050 in case environmental protection efforts were neglected are on display.

The eco-yurt features benches made of recycled plastic as well as a waste sorting container. Like Komek Center held a drive to donate clothing to those in need.
The location also showcased a tree of ecological initiatives, with guests offering their proposals to improve the city’s environment. Among such proposals are creation of waste treatment stations, ban on plastic bags and promotion of urban greening. The best ones are said to be brought into fruition under Taza Qazaqstan campaign.