Isn’t it a pity that persons like Elon Musk should be members of the inner cabinet of the American President instead of persons like Henry Kissinger and John Foster Dulles. America’s leadership has really fallen on bad days . Trump has gathered round him those persons whose only qualification is that they are business tycoons having a big name in the corporate world and who excel in the art of making a quick buck overnight. They lack political acumen and farsightedness.
Small wonder Trump has been making lopsided decisions day in and day out since he became tenant of the White House.
What a pity that Trump is sitting in the oval office where once towering political personalities like Abraham Lincoln, Jefferson and Roosevelt to mention a few used to sit. There has been an overall deterioration in the quality of leadership all around the world.
One doesn’t see any more leaders like Winston Churchill ,de Gaulle, Marshal Tito, Benjamin Disraeli, Gladstone, Mandela, Mao TSE Tung, Chou en Lai, Lenin, Mohammad Ali Jinnah, Nehru, Soekarno, Castro to mention a few. (This article reflects author’s opinion and not necessarily the views of WNAM )