Türkiye’s UAV fighter KIZILELMA completes maneuver test
WNAM REPORT: Bayraktar KIZILELMA, Türkiye’s first unmanned combat aircraft developed by Baykar, completed a AB-Launched Maneuver System Identification Test, a...
WNAM REPORT: Bayraktar KIZILELMA, Türkiye’s first unmanned combat aircraft developed by Baykar, completed a AB-Launched Maneuver System Identification Test, a...
WNAM REPORT: Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) President Ersin Tatar reiterated Tuesday that formal negotiations on the Cyprus issue...
WNAM REPORT: Türkiye is “deeply saddened” over the casualties caused by tornadoes and severe storms in the central and southeastern...
WNAM REPORT: Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus President Ersin Tatar said Friday that the current position of the UK deepens...
WNAM REPORT: Türkiye on Wednesday condemned a terrorist attack that claimed the lives of more than a dozen people in...
WNAM REPORT: A conference was held in Istanbul on the topic "The New Global Balance of Power: Factors Determining the...
WNAM REPORT: Türkiye shared the top spot with Spain in the fastest-growing economies last year among countries in the Organization...
WNAM REPORT: As part of efforts to normalize relations between Washington and Moscow, a Russian delegation arrived at the US...
WNAM REPORT: Türkiye's Defense Industry Agency (SSB) and Turkish defense firms BMC and FNSS inked a “Next-Generation Vehicle Project” contract...
WNAM REPORT: Yandex Turkiye on Tuesday unveiled the most comprehensive update to its maps and navigation services since launch, bolstering...
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