In the distant past to be more precise, about 800 years before of the time of Jesus Christ, Lycurgis was born in Sparta. When he entered the citadel of power he found the overall economic condition of his people quite similar to what we face in this country today.
Only a handful of persons were in occupation of agricultural land as land lords and a majority of the poor people worked as their tenants and lived hand to mouth. What he did was that he divided the land in possession of the elite into equal parts and distributed it to the landless peasants.
He also tried to take over possession of silver and gold from the elite class which had hoarded it for their pomp and show and attempted to divide it also equally among the poor but could not succeed so he hit upon a novel idea.
He banned the use of gold and silver for buying and selling different articles and commodities of daily use and instead introduced iron coinage for the purpose thus finishing the economic power of these two costly metals with the result that the backbone of the filthy rich was completely broken-Iron-not gold assumed economic importance in the economy of Sparta.
Doesn’t our country today also need a leader like him.
Needless to say if gold isn’t in circulation and instead it is hoarded or used by the rich for decorative purpose and for flaunting their wealth, the country they live in, becomes economically ruined and the cleavage between the haves and have nots is widened to the extent that country moves closer to a civil war and in many cases to a bloody revolution also.
Isn’t it a fact that in the Holy Book it is written very clearly that if the gold is hoarded by any one instead of using it for the good of the common people it will be put into fire and when it became red hot the skin of the persons who had hoarded it will be burnt with it.