There are some politicians whose public statements need to be be taken with a pinch of salt.One of these politicians had said the other day that Government has given two airports in the country to the US for carrying out air strikes against Iran and Afghanistan .Let us hope that this news is incorrect.
One remembers that in 1960s the then President of this country had ,on the sly,allowed the Americans to use an airstrip near Peshawar for sending its spy plane to the then USSR for photo graphing its military installations when the KGB got the wind of of it the US spy plane famously known as U2 was shot down by the Russians red handedly and its pilot arrested alive He spilled the beans and thus started a long period of animosity and rancour against us of Moscow which cost us dearly as Moscow stood on the other side of the fence when in 1970 Indo Pak war it openly sided with our arch enemy India.
Once bitten twice shy ,we should never ever be a party to any such plot in which our soil is again used for military action against our any neighbour at the behest of Washington whether it is Iran ,China,Russia or somebody else .
We should stop playing second fiddle to Pentagon in its military pursuits against any country .