Examination papers are being leaked by the black sheep posted in the Boards of Intermediate and Secondary education these days, meat of diseased cattle is being sold in the markets after slaughtering them in government controlled abbatoirs right under the nose of Animal husbandry inspectors whose job it is to ensure that no cattle infected with any disease is slaughtered in abbatoirs, degrees of professional colleges operating in the private sector are being sold Small wonder the number of professionals like lawyers, engineers, medics and para medics to mention a few is on the increase as persons belonging to them carry fat purse as compared to the persons working in other professions though the quality of their service leaves which has fallen down leaves much to be desired.
Politics is also one the most paying business concern in this country. Once you become a parliamentarian, by hook or by crook not only you enter into the elite club the financial fringe benefits which you start enjoying are not enjoyed by persons working in any other profession in this country. The more you invest in the funds of the political party you join the more monetary returns you are supposed to get which no other profession in this country offers. To cut a long story short, politics is the most paying business concern in this country. Moreover, once you are in Parliament no body can ask you too many questions for ascertaining as to how did you come into big money and how is it that your your expenditure exceeds your known income.
Morality is today at its lowest ebb in this country
The filthy rich don’t want to open the strings of their money bags and start running gratis hospitals, dispensaries, and schools for the millions of the down trodden in this country who don’t know where their next meals would come from. Oldies feel nostalgic in this respect and say that not long ago the elite of the Parsi community living in Karachi in this country for example used to be munificent in the domain of public service and they ran many schools and health institutions for the needy free of charge at many places in this country. Persons like Eidi and Mother Teresa are a rare commodity these days in this country who are born once in a blue moon.