More than one reasons exist why extension in service to government employees should not be given after they reach superannuation age. it used to be 55 once .When one senior bureaucrat Fida Hasan reached that age and President Ayub wanted to retain him in service for some more time so for his sake retirement age was extended to 58. History repeated itself again when Zia UL Haque wanted one senior bureaucrat to remain in service after he had reached the age of superannuation so for him it was pushed up to 60. It is another matter that many civil servants benefitted from this largesse.
One draw back of these extensions is that flow of fresh blood into the civil service gets blocked. Second many of them who are on the threshold of promotion don’t get promoted in due time with the blockage created by extension in service of senior officials thus creating despondency among many officials whose promotion chances on due dates are delayed due to chain reaction caused by extension of civil servants at the top The same is true in all the state and private institutions .