Not once but umpteen times has Kabul indulged in such activities since 1947 which had caused offense to us by touching us on the raw. By not standing in respect when the national anthem of Pakistan was being played in a function at Peshawar the other day an Afghan diplomat not only violated the diplomatic norms it has rubbed salt on wounds of already poor diplomatic ties between Islamabad and Kabul. It is not yet clear whether or not he was suffering from some hearing issue or movement of his limbs were erratic. Small wonder it has caused a lot of hullabaloo in national media .
History is replete with instances of burning of Pakistani flags in Afghanistan and attack by violent mobs on our diplomatic missions there right under the nose of Afghan official authorities which looked the other way during these mishaps thus giving rise to the speculations that probably those incidents were engineered by the Afghan government. Had strong punitive action been taken against the offenders by Afghan government such episodes could have been prevented from happening more often than not.
It is no use by crying over spilt milk now but time has certainly come when process of dialogue with Kabul be initiated in the presence of a go-between like Turkey Iran or Saudi Arabia asking it to clarify as to what is it up to by indulging in provocative actions against Pakistan. What wrong has been done by us to it which it wants to avenge ?
Isn’t it a pity that there are present in this country many political elements who still nurse a soft corner for Kabul in their heart despite offensive attitude of Afghanistan against us .But for loyalty of overwhelming majority of FATA tribesmen with Pakistan many law and order problems would have been created for us by our enemies
What a pity that the Afghan rulers conveniently forget that Pakistan has played host to millions of Afghan refugees But for our help they would have suffered untold miseries