WNAM REPORT: It had been customary with most of our politicians up till recently that during election campaign, at the hustings, they led the people up the garden path by making all sort of promises with them in their speeches in public meetings which they had no intention to keep later on, their object being to hoodwink them to get their votes at the polls. The name of religion, nationalism and socialism is exploited by them by coining political and catchy slogans with rare abandon.
If one analyse statements of some of the politicians they have been laying most of the blame for the ills of the country at the door of the judiciary as if they themselves are angels so in these circumstances let us hope that in the new era of judiciary which will start with the induction of new CJP, the judiciary will through its conduct doubly ensure to provide justice to the common man and it would not play second fiddle to any one in any matter.
It has produced in the not too distant past, gems like Justice Rustam Kiyani,Justice Sir Abdul Rashid،justice Cornelius,justice Dorab Patel ,justice Samdani ,to mention a few.They are role models for the lower echelon of judiciary.
As far as High Courts and Supreme Court are concerned If they succeed in making trial courts decide criminal and civil cases in double quick time,if the lower judiciary is made to implement the code of ethics meant for judges in letter and spirit and if they succeed in ensuring that criminals don’t get away with their crimes no matter how high they are placed in society politically or due to wealth , they will have earned the respect of all and sundry in the country and remarks of the politicians against them will have no merit,whatever.Their conduct and performance will speak for themselves. The proof of pudding is in the eating it is rightly said.
It was certainly no mean task to recover the hijacked train passengers from the clutches of terrorists in the military...