It is a matter of great satisfaction that relations between Moscow and Islamabad are improving step by step after an hiatus of many decades of lack of trust and hostility. Most of the past leaderships of this country, in their blind allegiance to Washington incurred hostility of the Kremlin unnecessarily as a result of which this country had to pay a heavy price What, for instance, was the need to play second fiddle to the Pentagon in its cold war against communism and giving a small airfield near Peshawar to the Americans from where the American spy plane U2 used to fly over Russia for taking photos of Russian military installations. Moscow’s indignation over it was justified when the said plane was shot down and its pilot was caught red handed who spilled the beans.
The Foreign office will be well advised to forge close links with Moscow also on the pattern of Pakistan’s relations with Beijing. There is no gainsaying the fact that if we remain on the right side of China and Russia our enemies won’t be able to succeed in their nefarious designs against us and Pakistan will remain out of harm’s way.
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