It is naïve on the part of those who expect that with the change of guard in the White House such and such political party in Pakistan will benefit. Trump would bet on that political horse in this country during his stint in office which dances to his tunes, no matter which political party he belongs to. If a ruler wouldn’t give his ear to him on his policy against China and Russia his fate won’t be much different from that of ZA. Bhutto, Lumumba, Gaddafi and their likes.
At the moment Pakistan’s tilt towards Moscow and Beijing has been grating on Washington. CPEC is a sore in America’s eyes. It will naturally expect Pakistan to give a wide berth to both China and Russia and it is here that our leadership has to play a strong role by telling to the Yankess nothing doing if they ask him to play second fiddle to their policies against Beijing and Moscow.
We shouldn’t forget that our blind allegiance to the White House since the days of America’s cold war against the then Soviet Union has done us more harm than good and it took us many many years to win back the lost confidence of Moscow since 1960.
One wonders whether a weak foreign minister like Ishaque Dar possess the necessary flair, guts grit and determination to stand up to American political pressure and keep Pakistan out of the harm’s way by telling US State Department that nothing doing as enough is enough .