WNAM REPORT: President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov congratulated servicemen and employees of military and law enforcement agencies on Defenders of the Fatherland Day, emphasizing their important role in protecting the country’s independence and sovereignty.
“Dear defenders of the Motherland!
I cordially congratulate you on the Defenders of the Fatherland Day, celebrated in the first days of the International Year of Peace and Trust! This holiday symbolizes great trust, high respect and boundless care for military personnel and employees of military and law enforcement agencies who protect the sacred independence of their native Fatherland, its sovereignty, territorial integrity, constitutional order, the inviolability of the State border, ensuring the security of the country, public peace, the implementation of national legislation and law and order.
In 2025, our people will celebrate the 30th anniversary of permanent neutrality, twice recognized by the United Nations. In this regard, this year, a lot of work will be done to widely popularize the significance and content of our permanent neutrality, which forms the basis of the country’s foreign policy strategy based on the principles of peacefulness, as well as large-scale international events that will bring together representatives of the world community.
In order to honor this significant date – an important historical event – we have proclaimed 2025 as the “International Year of Peace and Trust.” This proud motto reflects the principles of peace, solidarity, trust and humanism of our glorious ancestors.
This year, we face such important challenges as intensifying efforts to strengthen peace and trust throughout the world.
Brave sons of our dear Fatherland!
The Motherland is the most valuable heritage of glorious ancestors. To vigilantly stand guard over the Fatherland is a sacred duty and a high honor for every Turkmen. In the golden autumn of the year, the “Treasury of Reason Magtymguly Fragi” complex of new buildings of the 1st Specialized Military School named after Berdimuhamed Annayev of the Ministry of Defense of Turkmenistan was put into operation.
This modern complex of military school buildings will allow us to successfully carry out such important tasks as training fearless defenders of the Fatherland, ready to always stand in defense of its peace and prosperity, educated and enlightened, loyal to military affairs. I am firmly convinced that this military training center will make a significant contribution to the patriotic training of competent, highly qualified commanders.
Courageous defenders of the Fatherland!
By proudly marching in the ceremonial military parade held to mark the glorious 33rd anniversary of Turkmenistan’s independence, you demonstrated to the world your readiness to reliably defend our independent neutral state, and that you are worthy descendants of such brave sons as Oguz Khan, Bayram Khan, Togrul Bek, Chagry Bek, Alp Arslan, Sultan Sanjar and Sultan Jalaletdin. In the future, you must put the duty of defending the Motherland above all else, master the achievements of military science and art, and earn high honor with your patriotism and devotion.
I am firmly convinced that you will be true to your duty to defend sacred independence, permanent neutrality, twice recognized at the international level, and national values, and if necessary, you will not spare your lives for these sacred ideals!
Faithful sons of the Fatherland!
The Armed Forces of Turkmenistan, acting in accordance with our Military Doctrine, based on the legal status of permanent neutrality of our state, are an indestructible fortress and a steel shield of the independent Fatherland. As a result of military reforms in modern history, our national Armed Forces have become a powerful army, constantly equipped with modern weapons, military equipment and using the capabilities of digital systems. Today, improving the living conditions, service and work of the defenders of the Fatherland and their families is constantly in the spotlight. In the International Year of Peace and Trust, strengthening and modernizing the material and technical base of the military and law enforcement agencies of the country, creating favorable conditions for the service and rest of military personnel will become one of the priorities of the state policy and military reform of Turkmenistan.
Courageous sons of independent Turkmenistan!
Once again, I congratulate you with all my heart on the Defender of the Fatherland Day! I wish you good health, family well-being and great success in your sacred and responsible service! “, – the message of the President of Turkmenistan says.