WNAM REPORT: President Director of News Agency Akhmad Munir proposed that the Broadcasting Bill regulate a fair business model in competitive global digital platforms to ensure the sustainability of the national broadcasting industry.
He stated that broadcasting is no longer limited by geographical boundaries, allowing the public to consume content not only from domestic broadcasting institutions but also from international media and global platforms.
“Broadcasting must encompass cross-border content so that the government can regulate the balance between local and foreign content while ensuring information sovereignty,” Munir remarked during a meeting at the Parliament Complex here on Monday.
According to the president director, the Broadcasting Bill should also require global digital platforms to verify news sources and cooperate with state news agencies.
Furthermore, regulations should be in place for the distribution of foreign-produced news content, especially content that impacts Indonesia’s political, economic, and social stability.
“We encourage innovation in journalism based on artificial intelligence (AI) and broadcasting automation so that national media can compete,” he remarked.
He also affirmed that the Broadcasting Bill should ensure that foreign digital platforms do not exploit Indonesian user data unilaterally without government oversight.
Furthermore, he stated that it is necessary to regulate the algorithms used for news distribution to prevent them from prioritizing content that contributes to social polarization or manipulates public opinion.
Meanwhile, Amelia Anggraini, a member of the House of Representatives, supported Munir’s proposal by advocating for fair competition or a level playing field in the broadcasting industry.
She noted that this measure would also ensure the rigorous enforcement of publisher rights to safeguard copyrights.